Social Sciences - Media and Communication

  • Professor political communication, new media use and effects

Research Interest

media effects 
political communication (Political participation & community building) 
new technology use and effects


  • (Ph.D.) The Ohio State University


  • University at Albany, State University of New York, assistant and associate professor

Journal Articles

  • (2024)  Perceptions of Opinion Climate in Online Comments and Among the General Public: Examining the Roles of Personal Opinion, Political Knowledge, and Comment Reading.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION.  18,  00
  • (2024)  Politicization of fake news debates and citizen attitudes towards fake news and its regulation.  JOURNALISM.  00
  • (2023)  A Social Identity Model of Localized Social Media Dependency During Post-Earthquake Disaster.  MASS COMMUNICATION AND SOCIETY.  26,  5
  • (2022)  Socioeconomic status, communication activity patterns, and subjective well-being: Evidence from a nationally representative sample in China.  ANALYSES OF SOCIAL ISSUES AND PUBLIC POLICY.  22,  2
  • (2021)  포스트-지진 재난 상황에서 지역기반 소셜미디어를 통한 시민관여.  한국언론학보.  65,  6
  • (2021)  Social Support and Connective Affordances: Examining Responses to Early Covid-19 Patient Support Seeking on Microblogs.  JOURNAL OF BROADCASTING & ELECTRONIC MEDIA.  65,  5
  • (2021)  The effects of HMP and TPP on political participation in the partisan media context..  COMMUNICATION RESEARCH. 
  • (2021)  Amplifying panic and facilitating prevention: Multifaceted effects of traditional and social media use during the 2015 MERS crisis in South Korea..  JOURNALISM & MASS COMMUNICATION QUARTERLY.  00,  00
  • (2020)  포털 뉴스와 댓글에 대한 정파성 지각이 포털 뉴스 신뢰, 영향력 지각 및 선택적 노출에 미치는 영향 보수와 진보 이용자의 차이를 중심으로.  한국언론학보.  64,  4
  • (2020)  인스타그램 이용자의 나르시시즘이 자기 노출을 거쳐 주관적 안녕감에 미치는 영향과 긍정적 피드백의 조절효과: 기록적, 과시적 자기노출의 차이를 중심으로.  사이버커뮤니케이션학보.  37,  1
  • (2019)  한국 정파언론 환경의 특수성은 보수와 진보 수용자의 매체 태도와 이용에 차별적 영향을 미치는가? 적대적 및 우호적 매체에 대한 정파성 지각이 매체 신뢰와 이용에 미치는 영향.  한국언론학보.  63,  2
  • (2018)  건강관련 대인커뮤니케이션과 경제수준이 신체적 정신적 건강증진행위에 미치는 영향: 객관적 및 주관적 경제수준을 중심으로.  한국언론정보학보.  91, 
  • (2018)  Public and Personal Responses to Environmental Pollution in China: Differential Susceptibility, Direct Experience, and Media Use.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION.  12, 
  • (2018)  The effects of following celebrities' lives via SNSs on life satisfaction: The palliative function of system justification and the moderating role of materialism.  NEW MEDIA & SOCIETY.  20,  9
  • (2017)  SNS 이용이 상대적 박탈감과객관적 주관적 경제 지위 간 격차를 거쳐 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향.  한국언론정보학보.  83,  3
  • (2016)  메르스 관련 위험정보 탐색과 처리가 메르스 예방행동에 미치는 영향: 위험정보 탐색처리 모형의 확장과 SNS 이용 정도에 따른 조절효과를 중심으로.  한국언론정보학보.  78,  4
  • (2016)  Frequent Interaction and Fast Feedback Predict Perceived Social Support: Using Crawled and Self-Reported Data of Facebook Users.  JOURNAL OF COMPUTER-MEDIATED COMMUNICATION.  21,  4
  • (2015)  Effects of Motivation on Charitable Giving Practices: The Case of Korean American Immigrants.  VOLUNTAS.  26,  6
  • (2015)  Always Connected or Always Distracted? ADHD Symptoms and Social Assurance Explain Problematic Use of Mobile Phone and Multicommunicating.  JOURNAL OF COMPUTER-MEDIATED COMMUNICATION.  20,  6
  • (2015)  Alleviating depression only to become problematic mobile phone users: Can face-to-face communication be the antidote?.  COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR.  51, 


  • (2020)  포항지진 그 후: 재난거버넌스와 재난시티즌십.  나남출판사.  Co-author
  • (2018)  미디어와 공동체.  컬처룩 출판사.  Co-author

Conference Paper

  • (2020)  포항 지진, 트라우마·스트레스와 지역기반 소셜 미디어 의존.  한국트라우마스트레스 학회추계학술대회.  KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
  • (2020)  뉴스와 댓글에 대한 적대적 정파성 지각이 매체신뢰, 영향력 지각, 이용에 미치는 영향.  코리아컨센서스 연구원.  KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
  • (2020)  Positivity norm of emotion expression on SNS and psychological well-being.  IAMCR-International Association for Media and Communication Research.  FINLAND
  • (2020)  Analyzing the roles of user comments to online news for online news site selection and opinion climate perceptions..  the International Communication Association, Political Communication division.  AUSTRALIA
  • (2018)  Partisan media perceptions and political actions: Perceptions of bias and influence of conservative and progressive media and their relationships with political participation..  Annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.  UNITED STATES
  • (2017)  Public and Personal Responses to Environmental Pollution in China: Applying a Differential Susceptibility Framework.  International Communication Association Annual Conference.  UNITED STATES
  • (2016)  Dissenting public or engaging citizen? Predictors of general and issue specific online engagement in China..  Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association, Political Communication Division.  JAPAN
  • (2016)  How the community context shapes a city’s residents’ capacity to cope with stress in the aftermath of economic crisis: The case of New York City and Project ReBOUND..  Preconference of the International Communication Association, Urban Communication Foundation.  KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
  • (2015)  The appeal of “sad” comedies and “funny” dramas: Exploring oppositional affective responses and their implications for culture.  Annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Entertainment Studies Interest Group, San Francisco, CA..  UNITED STATES
  • (2015)  Always Connected or Always Distracted? ADHD and Social Assurance Explain Problematic Use of Mobile Phone and Multicommunicating.  Annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Communication Technology Division, San Francisco, CA.  UNITED STATES
  • (2015)  Portable social networks: Interactive mobile Facebook use explaining perceived social support and loneliness using crawled and self-reported data..  Annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Mass Communication and Society Division, San Francisco, CA.  UNITED STATES